30. april 2011

Nearly Insane # 3


Smått om senn – dette blir nok et tilnærmet evighetsprosjekt.
Men det gjør ingen ting :-)

Slow progress – this will take forever, it seems.
But I don’t mind :-)

Sy videre!

Stay quilting!

6 kommentarer:

  1. Tid har vi jo - samme hvor lang til det tar vel :-)

  2. Kjenner meg i igjen i den du, men det går jo fremover. Og flott blir det:)

  3. Ja, ting tar tid. Denne blokken var fin. Spennende å følge utviklingen.

  4. Your Nearly Insane blocks are wonderful; I love the fabrics you are using. Wondering how many you have finished.... I just noticed your Dear Jane in your banner. It's beautiful. My top is put together and just needs to be quilted.

  5. What a lovely block, you must be hand piecing them? I'd love to get back to mine one of these days.

  6. What a nice block. Slow and stead is better than not working on it at all. Very Nice!
