31. desember 2013

Happy New Year!

Wishing you all a Happy New Year, hope to see you all in 2014!!!


I have a few lot of UFOs and WiSPs, maybe I can finish some of them in the new year…?

Stay quilting!!

27. desember 2013

Loyal Union Sampler

I have made 40-something blocks from the book Loyal Union Sampler - showing but a few:

Colors slightly destorted due to my Christmas tablecloth, but you get the idea...

Tan, blue and brown, and a little red too. I like :-)

Can't pass up a chance to brag about my Azalea.

Stay quilting!

23. desember 2013

T'was the day before Christmas...

...we celebrate on the 24th :-)

Not able to upload photos, just want to wish you all a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!

I'll be back...

Stay quilting!

9. desember 2013

Nearly Insane - all blocks sewn together!

I have sewn all the blocks together - borders remaining - pics to come :-)

13. oktober 2013

Nearly Insane - assembly

Getting close to the half way mark - next row is the center row!

Not the best of photos, but the best I could manage with my phone...

Stay quilting!

12. oktober 2013

This and that

I have been in Rome! The Italian Rome! And amongst other things I've seen these lovely roses:

Due to health issues I am on a strikt diet - looking nice, right? Pear, chicken, ham, raspberryes, grapes. In a Winnie the Poo bowl ;-)

The assembly of my Nearly Insane quilt is coming along quite nicely, almost half way there...

And my Loyal Union Sampler book has arrived! Like I really need another project...

Stay quilting!

16. september 2013

All NI blocks are done!

I have made all the blocks for the Nearly Insane quilt *happydance*

Quite a pile, right? All blocks in an old ice cream container holding 2 litres... (never mind the mess in the back ground).

I have decided to remake the Just Plain nuts blocks. I do love blue, but I also have a few (understatement) florals that deserves to be used.

And I have made plans to go to the Nordic Quilt Meeting in May!

Stay quilting!

4. mai 2013

Just plain nuts blocks

# 1


It’s not wonky, I promise! I am a lousy photographer.

# 2


Love this one!

# 3


Cute, right?

# 4


Now I will have a sewing break, due to Little Brat’s confirmation this weekend – all sewing and knitting is tucked away, now I am off to clean the windows…

Stay quilting!

3. mai 2013

Nearly Insane - 62

Stay quilting!

King’s Star

From Sylvia’s Bridal Sampler:

bilde (1)

Stay quilting!

13. april 2013

Just plain nuts

I did it - I bought the book I have been wanting since I first saw Hanne's blocks...

This is it - beautiful, right? I am of course to do my own little twist, it just wouldn't be me if I didn't.
Pictures to come!

As if I had no other projects going on: Nearly Insane for one... this should prove that the word 'Nearly' can be eliminated...

Stay quilting!

21. mars 2013

Årsmøte NQF

Sist helg var det årsmøte i NQF, og vi kjørte over fjellet i fantastisk vær; -15 grader og fullstendig vindstille. Slik var utsikten på Dovregubbens Hall:

Det var som en Norgesreklame!

Kunne jo ikke motstå fristelsen til å handle litt (!):
 Stoff, tråd, utstansede figurer med lim på baksiden og en pin
 Mer stoff...
 Nærbilde av pin, som ble til en hvit blopp på det første bildet...
Og enda mer stoff!
Knall helg :-)

Sy videre!